Into the Blue...

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Into the Blue...

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Standards: VA:Cr2.1.5 Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice
                 VA:Re7.1.5a Compare one's own interpretation of a work of art with interpretation of others.

Objective: The student will be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge of warm and cool colors and
                blend with a new approach.
                The student will demonstrate a use of different type of line to show movement and form.
Materials: Photos displayed, white paper, sharpie markers, non permanent markers, pencil, spritz bottle
                with water and oil mixture, computer
Showing the painting of the fish, we will discuss the type of line and how the color is blended in the photo. We will discuss what materials were used in this technique.  The class will talk about how this effect can be done in other methods. ( blending color with water after the color is applied)  Second photo is displayed.  Class discussion will be about the thickness of the permanent lines in the drawing of the desired fish. Each child will research  fish to draw first in pencil.  The student will draw the fish in permanent marker. Then the contrasting warm and cool colors will be put in the picture with regular markers.  The student will spritz the drawing with the mixture and watch the colors bleed together to create a watercolor effect in reverse.  Will resemble a stained glass art project that can be placed in the windows to feel like an aquarium. Into the Blue is our school theme this year so I plan to do different techniques with each grade level.