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Jessi Murphy- Symbaloo

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Jessi Murphy- Symbaloo


On my Symbaloo, you will find a variety of tiles:

1. My classroom website - I post directions, rubrics, and examples - lots of examples

2. The 7th grade website - the other 7th grade teachers and myself post on this weekly - we use this mostly for assignment purposes but it is also used to share field trip info.

3. Prezi and Quizlet - resources that I use to create for the use of my students (they create using them as well)

4. News: Newsela, Huffington Post, Washington Post, KCRG, National Weather Channel, etc are all resources I use to learn the latest news.

5. Resources: Scholastic, PBS Teachers, Google Aps for Educators, Teachers Pay Teachers, Pinterest, Youtube (I use this frequently not only to bring a concept to life but to post student work so that they can self assess and other students can learn from them).  All of these are resources I rely on FREQUENTLY to help me in my lesson plans.

I was surprised at how easy it was to create my Symbaloo and very much look forward to students following suit. I also discovered a few new resources that I hope to check out soon!