What I took from VTS is that it is about carefully looking at a picture or object and sharing what you see. As an art teacher I have implemented VTS many times in the form of a critique.
https://youtu.be/aZJDdfJHKxM?si=mIH2qn7NR3ueE7K0 I did a warm up lesson before a critique of students' art by having an entire class session practicing how to look at an artwork and describe what you see. I would go over the terms description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment and how they can be used in art criticism. Then I would show example artworks and have groups go through each of the terms to critique the art.
https://www.kennedy-center.org/education/resources-for-educators/classroom-resources/articles-and-how-tos/articles/educators/critique--feedback/teaching-students-to-critique/#:~:text=Below%20is%20a%20sample%20set,of%20works%20in%20the%20critique). This goes over the terms description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment.
VTS could also be good for lessons on world history and news. Visual images such as photography would make great use of VTS. "A picture is worth a thousand words."