John Brown Abolitionist - Tim Kuenzel

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John Brown Abolitionist - Tim Kuenzel

Abolitionist John Brown Tragic Prelude Painting.

Objectives: Students will show understanding of how abolitionists felt about slavery and how they carried out their demands against the south. They will show that they know who John Brown was and his role as an abolitionist. They will also show how different coloration in the painting can help to describe mood and what the artist is meaning from it.

Supplies: Writing notebook, or Chromebook, Pencil, Projected John Brown Painting.

1. Project the painting for students to look at.

2. Have students in writing describe what is happening in the picture, also see if they can tell what some of the other details are in the picture. They should describe it as John Brown, his son's, and other abolitionists. Also, that he stands in front of both Union and Confederate soldiers. There is also the presence of covered wagon's and a tornado. They would describe what they thought this meant given the time period and what our country was going through.

3. Given all of the information you have explained; What major event was this a "tragic prelude" too?

4. How do you think the artist John Steuart Curry made this painting reflect the feelings of the abolitionists during this time. What other parts of the painting stick out to you to further show the mood and point of this painting?