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Teacher 3

The standard I chose was a Kindergarten standard because most of my students in my special education classroom are in Kindergarten.  The standard is K-PS2-1: Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.

The Science and Engineering Practice (SEP) for this standard is Planning and Carrying out Investigations.  With this SEP at the Kindergarten level it is very important to help students develop a question, come up with variables (independent and dependent), and come up with controls.  Kindergarten students will need a lot of scaffolding to come up with these things.  The Kindergarten students will likely be given variables to try out.  As a student moves to middle school it is important to allow them to try variables on their own without suggestions from you.

The Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI) is Force and Motion.  Force and Motion is all about pushes, pulls, and friction.  The idea that lack of movement doesn't mean that there is a lack of force is something that is tricky for young students.  I think a way to show this is a game of tug of war.  When both sides are pulling the same there is little to no movement.  With Kindergarten students it is important to talk about collisions and what happens when things collide.  In Kindergarten you will also discuss pushes, pulls, and friction.

The Cross Cutting Concept (CCC) is Cause and Effect.  Finding out cause and effect is innate in humans.  In the early elementary ages like Kindergarten you will discuss cause and effect with items that are more obvious.  The example the video gave was to grow plants and ask students what the plants needed to grow (i.e. water, sun, soil).
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Re: K-PS2-1

No recipe exists for leading a "right" life. The video game bitlife demonstrates this. You can select from a variety of scenarios here and make choices exactly like you would in real life. Your choices will guide you in one direction or another and mold your life in one direction or another. For instance, you can take care of your family, love your wife, and be a fantastic husband. Alternately, you might deceive her while also dating other women. Either you may succeed as an honest businessperson or you can deceive others. Choose your path, then take it to completion! Before you pass away, live an interesting life!