Lesson Plan for Creativity- Anissa Nelson

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Lesson Plan for Creativity- Anissa Nelson


Your Name:
Anissa Nelson
Grade Level:

Title of Lesson
Shape Animals

-At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify 2d shapes within pictures.
-At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the provided 2d shapes to make a new picture.
Performance Art highlighted in this lesson:      
Visual arts
Art Standard Addressed-Subject Integration:
-Anchor standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
-Anchor standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.                                                
Integrated with math- K.G.A.2: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientation or overall size.
-2d shapes, square, circle, hexagon, rectangle, materials
Materials /Resources Needed:                                                            
 Book- Mouse Shapes
Computer/ Projector
Paper, glue, bag of random 2d shapes for each student
Large 2d shapes
Website for pictures- https://www.behance.net/gallery/18091065/Animal-Geometr
Technology Used:
Lesson Procedures:
Step 1: Begin the lesson by reviewing the names and attributes of 2d shapes. Hold up a 2d shape and have students take turns naming the shapes and the attributes of each shape.
Step 2: Read Mouse Shapes. During the read aloud, take time to stop and ask students what shapes they see in the pictures. Use questions such as- “What shapes do you see in the picture? How do you know that it is a square? What makes that a triangle?”        
Step 3: Project  the pictures of the animal art made up of 2d shapes. (Website is listed below.) Take time to have a discussion about each picture. Use questions such as “What do you see? How do you think the artist made this picture? What materials do you think they used to make this picture? What shapes do you see in this picture?”
Step 4: Give each student a bag of random 2d shapes, paper, and glue. Give students a few minutes to look at their shapes. Tell students you want them to be creative and make their own animal out of shapes.

Step 5: Give students an opportunity to share their masterpieces! While one student is sharing, ask the other students the same questions such as “What do you see in this picture? What shapes did he/she use to make this animal?”      
-I will use the discussions in this lesson as an informal assessment to see which students are able to begin naming some of the 2d shapes they saw in the art projects.

Example of some of the animal pictures from the above listed website: