Lesson Plan for Creativity

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Lesson Plan for Creativity

The piece of artwork I chose is Wassily Kandinsky's Squares with Concentric Circles. Click to link below to view the piece of art.


Grade: Kindergarten

Standard: VA:Cr1.2.Ka Engage collaboratively in creative art-making in response to an artistic problem.
               VA:Cr2.2.Ka Identify safe and non-toxic art materials, tools, and equipment.

Materials: Water color paper, oil pastels

Performance art highlighted in this lesson: Visual Arts

I can create artwork using the shapes: squares and circles.
I can safely utilize art materials such as oil pastels.
I can list the different colors used in my artwork.

Lesson Procedures:
1. Show students the art piece "Squares with Concentric Circles."
2. Discuss with class what they notice about the painting. Prompt the students by asking what shapes and colors the artist used.
3. Discuss the attributes of the different shapes. What makes a square a square and what makes a circle a circle.
4. Supply students with water color paper and a variety of colored oil pastels.
5. Discuss how to safely use oil pastels and how to clean up if it gets on skin or clothes.
6. Prompt students to create squares on their water color paper by folding their paper in half. Let students choose how many squares they would like to create.
7. Prompt students to create circles within circles on each square on their paper.
8. Remind students that using different colors will make their art work unique.
9. When all students have completed their artwork, show a few students examples to the class and have a whole class discussion about what the students notice.
10. If need be, prompt the students to discuss how the different colors make them feel, what they think of when they see each other's art, and how it is similar or different than their own.

Assessment/ Evaluation
Observe each students' artwork and discuss with them why they needed to use certain shapes and colors. Then discuss with them why chose the colors they did and if they were trying to convey a certain message.