Your Name: Stacey Bunting
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Title of Lesson: Creativity- repurpose objects
Objectives/Outcomes: I can create a robot out of stuff around the house. Then I can write a narrative about an adventure the robot when on.
Performance Art highlighted in this lesson:
Art Standard Addressed-Subject Integration: VA:Cr2.3.2a-Repurpose objects to make something new. Integrated with narrative writing.
Vocabulary: repurpose
Materials /Resources Needed: objects around the house that are no longer needed, glue, paper and pencil for writing
Technology Used: none
Lesson Procedures:
*you should have already collected objects from students or colleagues in order for students to make their own robots.
Step 1: Show the picture to the class and ask them, “What do you notice about the picture?”
Step 2: Have students share with their partner and then share with the class. As students are sharing what they notice, write down everything students say.
Step 3: Pass out objects for students to plan what they need to build their own robots.
Step 4: Make sure to give students even time to create, get more objects if students need them.
Step 5: Now have students plan an adventure that their robot can go on. What can their robot do?
Step 6: Students write the adventure their robot can go on/or went on. Make sure your students writing has and introduction, events (beginning, middle, end) and a conclusion to their narrative writing.
Step 7: Students share with the class their robot and their narrative of the adventure they went on.
Students show their robot and read their story to the class.