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Mindy Cairney

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Mindy Cairney

1. A short explanation/description of the artifact
2. How it demonstrates that you have met your goal(s)
3. How you will use the artifact or how you hope to build on it in the future.

1. This artifact shows the draft of my Genius Hour PD for teachers. It shows the layout of the course.

2. My goals were: furthering my understanding of personalized learning in the classroom, reflecting on my current practice of how I deliver course materials to teachers during professional development opportunities, crafting a new method that allows teachers voice and choice in their learning while still achieving the course objectives in observance of state standards for teacher re-licensure. My artifact shows how I have allowed teachers to have voice and choice in their learning. It also demonstrates my current understanding of personalized learning in the classroom. After reflection of my current PD delivery, I feel this will be a successful way of allowing teachers to explore topics of interest to them with my support.

3. I plan to submit this course proposal and run it through the summer with a small group as a pilot and received feedback from the participants to evolve the course into something even more beneficial.