Mollie Graves

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Mollie Graves

Mollie Graves
When my niece was in 6th grade, some mean girls in her grade decided to bully her via school email and message.  It made my niece feel weak and violated.  Her parents went to the principal and told them what was going on.  It took awhile, but the girls stopped.  It was a horrid feeling to see the problem and not be able to help.  The supposed anonymity of the situation made it hard to pinpoint the culprit.  Since it was a school account, they were able to find out who was making the problems.
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Re: Mollie Graves

Michelle Albert
That is great.  My students have said it is awful when things like that happen to them.  I think it is much worse for them because it can be done anonymously so people feet comfortable to say awful things to each other on the internet.