Multiple Drivers for One Stepper Motor

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Multiple Drivers for One Stepper Motor


Since there are a lot of posts about how to control multiple motors with one driver, I was thinking if it is also possible to do the reverse. I realize that if the control system is sized correctly, this problem would not arise. However, in my case, I tried to use as many components as possible that I already had.
I am currently building a small desktop CNC milling machine to run with a leftover Duet 3 Mini 5+. Unfortunately, since the motor for the Z axis is a bit too weak, I want to upgrade it.

Now to my question: Since I am only operating 3 axes, the two stepper drivers are still idle. Can I run two drivers in parallel to operate a motor with a higher current rating, such as the Nema 23 ( with 3A?
I know this is certainly not ideal. However, given the circumstances, it would be an efficient use of resources.

Thanks in advance!