Music Art

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Music Art

Molly Holtan
Title: Music Art
Grade: 2-3
Standard: Creating/Responding/Connecting
Objectives/Outcomes: Students will listen to various songs and then create a drawing of what they saw in their head while the music was playing. Then they will share one of their favorites with the class.
Materials Needed: Paper (folded in 4), Drawing/coloring utensils, Music and a way to project the sound, four pre-selected songs, all of different forms
1. Explain to students that music can create a mood.  Each mood depends on the person.
2. Hand out paper, have them fold the paper and label each section 1-4
3. Explain the activity. They will close their eyes for a portion of the song, then when I say draw, they are to draw what the music created in their brain.
4. Repeat process with all 4 songs (you may also do only 2 songs)
5. Have students share their favorites to the class. Teacher should also share their favorite drawing as well.