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Nancy Healy - Symbaloo

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Nancy Healy - Symbaloo

Nancy Healy
My Symbaloo is available here:  http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/ple1395

My Symbaloo includes a link to my school district's homepage and another link that goes directly to my library website. I've also included links to Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads which are my favorite go-to sites that I use for both personal interests and professional ideas/news. I use the Newsela link quite a bit for a news source since our students also use it, and I've included a link to the Des Moines Register which I read almost daily. For education-specific news sources, I added Education Week, Tech & Learning, and Booklist.

I've included links to the two LMS that we are using in our school--Schoology and SeeSaw. Both are ideal for guiding personalized learning opportunities. In addition, I've added links to online tools that can be used by teachers and students for collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication (the 4 C's). Some of them include Google Drive, Prezi, Project Ignite, Kahoot, ThingLink, and Canva.  

I've added links that provide specific information about personalized learning, including the Teaching Channel, Buck Institute, Personalize Learning, and NextGen Learning. I also included a broader range of online resources that I might go to for additional ideas regarding curriculum, ed tech, school libraries, etc.