Norms & Responsibilities- Rachel Fisher

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Norms & Responsibilities- Rachel Fisher

As a mother of two, I find it very important to be cautious while using social media, email, texting or any other method of digital use.  I know that what I say and do can be used for or against my children.  I find it interesting that many famous people blur our their children's faces when posting on instagram or other social media outlets.  I have never been that mom that blasts all information about my family on social media because that could be extremely detrimental if that was found in the wrong hands.

The digital world is so big and kids at such a young age have so much access to it.  I love allowing people to voice their beliefs but sometimes people hide behind their phone or computer and say things they would never say if they were face to face with someone.
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Re: Norms & Responsibilities- Rachel Fisher

Rachel - I agree with the people not being respectful and "hiding behind their computer" as you said.  I try to imagine the face of the person or people I'm writing to as if they are sitting across the table from me. This helps me keep it real, and kind.