Norms and Responsibilities: Identifying information

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Norms and Responsibilities: Identifying information

Julianne Derouin
So many of the negative outflows of social media or the Internet can be traced to the anonymity that the Internet provides. From the recent bots of Russian interference posting fake newsfeed on Facebook prior to the election to the bullying that can go on on social media outlets to the hurtful comments that can be posted throughout the Internet.

Number one responsibility is teaching responsibility of owning what you post and not hiding behind secrecy. I wish that there was a way to strip the anonymity of the Internet. That would clear a lot of issues! Even if it is something as simple as tracking what sites kids are viewing and what they are posting while at school.

Number two responsibility is being able to evaluate the accuracy of information on the Internet or be able to identify the source of the information and whether it is credible or not.