Norms and Responsibilities - Lori Olmstead

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Norms and Responsibilities - Lori Olmstead

Lori Olmstead
Norms - I believe we should have equitable access to technology and information and the ability to express our beliefs and feelings using that technology. We should also have the right to protect our sensitive information and privacy.

Responsibilities - I believe technology users have the responsibility to consider not only themselves when using technology, but how it effects those around them.  This is true in multiple areas.
1. when and where technology use is appropriate (classrooms, job sites)
2. Who will be affected by what I choose to post on social media

Technology users also have the resonsibility to protect themselves and their families in practical ways such as parental controls, privacy settings on social media, and limiting technology use if it is becomming an issue.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities - Lori Olmstead

Teresa Coenen
definitely agree on the right to protect the sensitive information.  I often wonder/worry that when platforms ask for the information, but allow us to add the settings that keep the information private, if they still have the ability to share the information to 3rd party vendors.  Who reads the terms and agreement document when accessing information?  It is too long and cumbersome.