Norms and Responsibilities by Heather Paulsen

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Norms and Responsibilities by Heather Paulsen

I feel users need to understand that what you say in the digital world should match what you would say in the physical. Users should be held accountable for what they say and post, just as in the physical world. There should be a norm to not plagiarize or use others words and content without permission-just as in the physical-with consequences if found that a user engaged in that behavior. However, it is a slippery slope in putting any one 'governing' body to monitor these things. In the physical world the consequences come naturally. I feel that same can be said should happen in the digital. Users need to understand that digital tools are just that, tools to express yourself. As with any tool, there is a safe and appropriate way to use it. I do think putting guidelines or limits on these tools would be appropriate, to protect our children. For example, in order to drive children need to be old enough, complete a drivers ed course in many states, and pass a written and driving test. We have many other examples in our physical world of this-putting guidelines and parameters in place before you can use certain tools. I think this could be argued for implementing to protect our children from many possible harmful digital encounters and uses.