As a user in the digital world, we have the right to freedom of speech to an extent. In the recent years, I have noticed if someone doesn't agree with an opinion different than their's, they tend to let the other person know in an argumentative way. Many people will express themselves this way behind the computer, but in an actual conversation will be respectful. We all have different opinions which we need to respect what other's post. Our responsibility to express our ideas and opinions in a way that doesn't harm anyone and is respectful. We don't want to attack a differing opinion. In today's world, we have a responsibility of protecting our personal information. We have to be careful in what we are posting. If you looking for a job, often the future-employer will do a social media search on you, you want it to give them a positive opinion of you. The internet is very large and they are able to uncover pretty much everything. Also, we have a responsible to be careful with giving out our payment information, we need to make sure it is a "real" website. We need to be careful whom we are talking to on the other end.