What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?
In the digital world, I feel the right to privacy should be a norm. Because we live in a world that relies so heavily on technology, nearly everyone uses it. That doesn't mean, however, that I want my personal information shared with others. I also feel that we should have the right to freedom of expression, as long as that is coupled with the responsibility to be kind, equitable, and not spread hate or lies.
What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?
I believe we have the responsibility to do our due diligence when it comes to information we find online and not simply rely on everything we read to be truth. I think we also have the the responsibility to share truths, and to not spread hate. As I mentioned above, I believe we have the right to freedom of speech, but not to spread hatred or lies. I think we also have the responsibility to know what we are consenting to when we simply click "accept" to terms and conditions. It is our responsibility to know what we're agreeing to.
-Kristen Burghorn