Norms and Responsibilities for digital citizens using technology

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Norms and Responsibilities for digital citizens using technology

Meg Wheeler
I feel it's of the upmost importance to stress the dangers of inappropriate and misuse of technology.  I feel that if technology is, in most cases, replacing the idea of physical human communication, then misuse of and/or inappropriate use of should be handled in the same way that is laid out in the Constitution of the United States as unconstitutional.  I feel that the current and future generations feel as though anything they want to say, share, and post is perfectly alright.  The regular and constant implementation of educating students about their responsibilities and also the dangers of not meeting those expectations is crucial to arriving at an understanding of technology use across the board.  Although they may have rights to free expression, they're responsible for their actions. There are limits to every right, and many students seem to have trouble connecting this concept.