Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Diana Crouch
 In today's society, our "norms" change from day to day. Sometimes as often as hour to hour. To honestly answer this portion of the question is difficult and a challenge. Norms should fit into this the school of thought, "Rite of Passage." You get what you get when you have shown you are able to handle it.  Our children and youth are not equipped to maturely handle the digital world and the responsibilities which go along with it.  Just because it is the norm doesn't mean it should be happen.  

As parents, we often succumb to social pressure and buy a phone for children who can't even handle simple, everyday age appropriate life skills.  I nave often heard from parents, ‘It is just easier to allow them to have a phone."  I do see the pros and cons to this statement. However, anything with commitment has responsibilities followed by consequences.  What may seem as fun and innocent to a child may have unforeseen adult ramifications.  

Society’s digital responsibilities should elevate our norms. Not the other way around.