Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Kellie Terpstra
When I think about the word "rights," many things jump to my mind.  Having lived and taught abroad for the last three years, I've realized that not every country has the same rights as the U.S.  Freedom of speech is one that I've seen "shut down" (or, at the very least, "monitored") in the countries in which I've worked.  This makes me especially value this right in the United States.  
I'm eager to learn about how to help my students use their speech appropriately in the digital world.  I enjoyed reading some of the ideas in these posts about how to best navigate our speech in public forums.  A simple question like, "Would you say this to someone's face?" is a good question to consider before pushing the publish button.
The other "big" norm/responsibility that I think is especially pertinent to the classroom is that of safety. I really like the analogy from the video "What is Digital Citizenship?" of the digital world being like a frontier.  Any new frontier is dangerous.  Does that mean we don't explore? No. However, we must proceed with caution. My 5th graders use their Chromebooks practically all day, every day.  Because of this, I feel an extra weight to ensure they know how to stay safe.  I alone can't protect them, especially not once they leave my classroom.  So, I'm excited to learn more strategies on how to equip them on maintaining their own personal digital safety.