Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Tona Bach
I think all should have the right to create and share just about anything on the internet, understanding that it needs to be responsible and should follow the same rules/regulations and communicating in person or any other format.  I liked what Becky Kling said, "I feel as though students need to be better taught about accountability and being responsible while using the internet"  Often the internet is seen as a place to communicate, create and share without consequences.  This is not the case.  Others in authority can see what is put on the internet and it can affect relationships, jobs, etc.   The balance between the right to use, create and post on the internet is often put over the responsibility to consider how it affects others or even ourselves.  When using the internet, we should be responsible to follow all laws and rules of our society.  Unfortunately, the internet can and is used to break laws (as in child porn, inticing for the purpose of sex tafficing, etc.)