Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

The digital world has become a part of all of our lives, and it comes with a lot of responsibility. And while free speech gives everyone the right to express their opinions and feelings, it should come with a responsibility to not spread or promote hate. We should also have the right to our privacy and be able to trust that our personal information is safe and secure. Bills are being paid online, and credit card numbers are being put into computers, so it is now so important that our information is protected and private.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Yes, yes, yes! We have so much responsibility when it comes to being online! The responsibility to not spread or promote hate is right there at the top. We aren't the only ones with responsibilities though -- as you mentioned, we pay our bills online, shop online, and do so much more that requires our personal information. The companies we provide that information to also have a responsibility to keep that info safe, while we have the responsibility to due our due diligence and be careful what information we share, and to whom.