Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Rachel Robertson
I feel that users have the right to post things that are within reason.  There are many that post content to try to see how many likes or comments that they get, even if the information may not be 100% accurate.  If  a user is using something to that violates others freedoms then there should be consequences.  Unfortunately we are not always able to stop that and control what is being sent, especially among high school students.

Users responsibilities that should be to use whatever they are using in a way that doesn't violate the user agreements.  The school I teach at they have a user agreement for use of computers and I know that those are not followed by the majority of students.  Many feel that they can do what they want and there are no consequences, which I feel that there are many users in this digital world that have that same feeling.  They can post or do what they want and there are no repercussions.