Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Where have you heard, seen or read about situations in which user rights and responsibilities have been abused in the digital world? What might the user have done differently?

I have read and seen user rights abused on news articles or share false news. Many times individuals think they are sharing their idea of what is correct but instead it is their opinion and not the facts. There also tends to be an argument and lots of back and forth. On some articles there is a I know this person and this is what really happened or this happened to me situation. Understanding both sides and being objective and actually having facts. Also, sometimes just not posting is just as good too. Also, taking out the emotion in posting helps. Many time people put in their emotion into posting.

What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?  What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?  

User rights would be open communication and right to say what you want. User responsibilities would follow the lines of not bullying, enticing, lying, factual, and objective.