Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Judy Pauk
One user right that should be part of the norm in the digital world is that everyone should have free access to the internet by qualifying people in need for programs that provide computers and wifi support.  This would minimize the gap between all levels of society especially for low income students and their families.

Another right that should be the norm is the right to privacy from companies and the government.  They do not need to know everything about us to provide products and services that we didn't ask for.  

Lastly, the right to have only accurate information provided instead of websites full of opinion and bias.  It is hard to make decisions or conclusions on a topic with so much to wade through unnecessarily.

User responsibilities that should be expressed in the digital world are already out there in form of user agreements.  People just click on the box to them without reading them.  Most people know what they should and should not do but some just don't care.  It's not like there are any real consequences for them.