Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Sheila Kruger

I feel privacy is the most important right we should have as citizens in the digital world. It becomes increasingly hard to maintain privacy in the world of technology today, especially with social media. Too many people, young and old are abusing technology and the anonymity that comes with using it. When I see teachers getting their class lists in the fall and then scanning Facebook to scope out families in their class I am saddened by that activity. It is a prejudgment placed on people before they even walk through the classroom door. That same anonymity causes people to post comments that they would never say face to face.  I feel people need to be held accountable for their actions when using technology and respect the privacy of others.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

pamela carlson
I agree with Shelia about privacy.  I just am unsure how this is going to be attained with how quickly technology is changing.  It is difficult to keep up with my own jobs tech changes as well as the children's.  Hopefully now that it is becoming a problem for corporations there will be someway of holding people/companies responsible when this information is used improperly.