Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Keri Speidel
I feel all individuals should be able to have access to information via web/internet, as long as they are abiding by the local, state and federal laws.  Safety is very important and a huge issue now.  Individuals should be able to use the internet and all of it's capabilities without worrying about personal information or their online safety. With that being said, you need to be responsible for what you post.  Keeping different passwords, having good digital nettiquite, being responsible and protecting your personal information.  Not only should they do this for themselves, they should help other do the same.  

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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Lisa Conry
Keri, I agree! Being on the internet and using any kind of technology requires responsibilities at all levels! I like to use the idea that was passed on to me, that using the internet should be compared to driving a vehicle and all of the steps and supervisions that lead up to "driving alone"! :)and...abiding by the rules at the different levels. too!