Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Lisa Conry
I feel that the user has the right to speak their mind but they(we) need to do it carefully, honestly, respectfully, and honorably.
One of the user responsibilities that I feel should be expressed in this digital world is that I think that students and adults should think before they respond. Just a few seconds or minutes can make a world of difference. We are in a go fast world, want a response 2 seconds ago world...that can lead to trouble or regret in some instances. The consequences for foolish-too-quick-just-get-a-reply-to-them response/posting can come back to haunt a student or an adult. Students need to know that what they text or post can make a difference in their future good or bad. It may help or hurt a situation when they are looking for a job, being a parent, grandparent, etc.