Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

andy bruemmer
One problem with students learning the norms and responsibilities of digital use is that some students believe that they can hide behind the technology.  They become much more insensitive and express themselves much more negatively then when they are in a face to face conversation.  One post I read said something to the idea of teaching students that the written digital word, should be said as if you are face to face.  I like that idea, however, nothing can replace the face to face conversation because reading a persons body language is as important as hearing (or reading) what is said.
Hopefully as our new 1-to-1 program grows the students will get a better sense of the use of the written digital word and how others percieve it.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Diana Strayer
I also agree that students are writing things they would never say if they were face to face.  I am curious to know if kids would write what they do if they knew there was a chance it would be read in public and if they would be identified when it was read.  There is no accountability when things are put out there on line.  There is no chance to see the emotion of the person who they are saying things about.   Does this mean we are contributing to a disconnected society?