Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Don Struve
It is so important for students to understand that whatever they put on the internet is permanent--- and deleting something on their end doesn't necessarily mean it is gone for good.  Anyone who uses the internet must use appropriate language and not post their thoughts when they are emotional.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Joellyn Berg
You're right.  Many people post things when they are upset and did not take time to "cool down".  Things cannot be taken back once they are written.  I try to show my students this by using an apple.  We talk about how beautiful this apple is and all of the positive comments that are said.  Then I bruise the apple.  Now they make comments about it and they are usually negative.  We discuss how this apple was once beautiful but now we have "bruised" it with our negative comments.  Many say how sorry they are, but we discuss that sorry can make someone feel better, but that "bruise" will still be there.  We need to think about what we say or do, before we create a "bruise" in someone.