Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Cynthia Randall
I feel user rights that should be a NORM are privacy, protection and access.

Please forgive me, as I know these answers are very "idealistic", but they are my feelings on what should be the norm.  I feel everyone should be entitled to their privacy, and when that privacy is broken then there should be ramifications toward the intruder. Too often I see student's taking pictures of others (a lot of times without their permission or knowledge) and then posting them to instagram, snapchat, or whatever forum.  They need to be taught that as innocent as it seems, it is wrong and could be detrimental to their future careers.  It only takes one person, at one moment, to become offended and then it may result in legal issue.  I also feel there should be adequate protection, to try and avoid some of the issues that people are seeing in today's cyber world (hacking accounts, identity theft, etc..).  As the world becomes less persona and electronic, it is harder for people to look out for each other through face to face methods.  There needs to be equal access for digital protection for all.  Lastly I feel internet access should be equal.  As more schools are going one to one initiative's, how does the student achieve success when they have no internet at home, no access to a library or school (as the parents work nights; and they live in a rural community)?  I know this situation holds true for a lot of the students at the school I am at.  How do we expect them to watch the video lessons in a reverse classroom?

Responsibilities...  Our responsibilities are to teach students (as many adults and parents don't even know) what is right and what is wrong in the cyber world.  Having employers from the community come in and speak of their expectations on internet policy, makes it real to many a high schooler.  What does the company look for when hiring, what happens when an email from the outside the company is responded to, what kind of policy do they have for cell phone use, or company internet...  Having students do research projects about "freedom of speech" and "right to privacy" and what it really means.  Making sure they know that they indeed do have these rights, but only as long as they are not hurtful or disruptful to others.  Then there is the health and wellness issues.  Informing about ergonomic methods and hazards of incorrect posturing (How many teenagers do you see walking hunched and shoulders shrugged forward? Is it their fight against the world, or is it from hours and hours of texting,  looking down, hands together, shoulders shrugged?). Teaching about the damage done with over use of hands and limbs.  Telling about the addiction that comes with the internet.  So many lessons and so much information, how does one fit it in....