Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Jonathan Harshman
There are a number of issues that come to mind when I think of my students and the digital frontier.  Are they going to use it wisely and responsibly?  Will they be disciplined enough to stay on task and focus with the distractions that can come along with the digital resources.  Another issue that has moved to the forefront is what age is appropriate and for what?  What should students have access to or not is a real area of concern.      
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

susan lau
I am most interested in learning when and at what age should digital exposure become a tool for early childhood learners. My grandaughter is 15months and already is well aware of what the tv remote is for and how to use it.  She has learned my observing others around her. Give her a cell phone and she can work her way around. She is self taught and I am not sure where to go from here.  Thanks for your post.