Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Andrea Willenborg
Digital norms that should be in today's world would be for everyone to have the right to access the internet, children under 13 with adult supervision. The internet has become such a huge accessory, actually bigger than that, it has almost become a need to those in a classroom environment in our country. Most schools depend on cloud-based storage for documents, files, and presentations. This also means that students need to be a responsible citizen while using technology and the internet. Basic courtesies must also be established. If a student forgets to log out of their account and another student is on the computer next, they should be courteous and log out of the account for the other person. Students should also be taught that you should have the same morals being on the internet as you do in any public place.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Beth Duffy
I appreciate you addressing the issue in that courtesy should dictate that when a student sits at a computer and sees that the previous student forgot to logout, that the second student should do so. I do wonder if there should be formal guidelines for this procedure -- thinking of the time I sat at a library computer, and found that the previous user had left open a rather important personal document regarding an active lawsuit. I did not want to spend a second associated with this, thinking perhaps the originator would come running back and find me at the computer. And so I immediately went to the librarian and asked her, as the local official, to close that account. I think if a student finds open content from a previous user, perhaps the student should go to a responsible adult and not spend a moment with the previous user's document.