Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Cheree Mann
User rights are a part of norms in our digital world. We have the right to use all types of digital technology and have the right of privacy and freedom of expression, but there are more responsibilities in the digital world than there are rights: We have the responsibility to respect other's opinions, as we "rightfully" express ours. We have the responsibility to possess integrity and treat others online with respect. We have the responsibility to become educated about the world wide web. There are professional hackers. There are those who pretend to be someone else with a nefarious goal in mind. We have the responsibility to protect our PII (Personally Identifiable Information), even to the point of being aware of what is in the background of photos. We have the responsibility to cite our works found on the web. Our technology is a new frontier and it changes fast every day.

When I grew up we didn't have the computer or the current technology. We had telephones. The biggest problem back then was prank calls from teenagers, "Is your refrigerator running? You'd better go catch it!" Nowadays there is no comparison. Technology is wonderful invention. Any question you have can be "Googled" and an answer will arrive before your eyes. But on the other hand, it can be used for deception. Knowledge and responsibility will keep you as safe as possible with your right to enter the digital world.