Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Matt Johnston
The biggest concern that I have when it comes to responsibilities is that some people (students included) don't seem to understand the concept that if you wouldn't say something to someone face-to-face, you shouldn't put it on the internet/social media. They feel that the anonymity they have behind a screen on a keyboard gives them a chance to attack someone, bully them, or argue/insult them. I worry that kids aren't able to see the long term consequences in this, both in how it develops their personalities and how these things can follow them forever in the digital world.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Matt Johnston
To piggyback off of that, as far as the rights I feel people should have in the digital world: I think the internet can be a wonderful place for sharing ideas and connecting with others. I think the place where the line has to be drawn is when you are using the platform to hurt others. I think people have the right to get their views out there as long as they are doing it in a respectful, non-bullying way. It needs to be viewed as them having a discourse much like you would in a small group face-to-face setting.