Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Tim Navara
As a teacher and father of teenagers, I feel the need to communicate responsibilities regarding digital tools. Privacy is a major responsibility. Privacy of the person communicating on the digital tool and the privacy of the person whom they may be discussing. Youth must be very careful with what they communicate and how they communicate. The belief of the other person being the only one to see is scary. I know through school assemblies the notion of once a text, tweet, snap or photo is out in the virtual world, then its out there. However, the youth do not comprehend this to reality. That is scary. I remember in the "old days" teenagers felt invincible through the privilege of driving. Now, youth still feel invincible, however with many more dangers through the hidden darkness of the web. On a positive note, the ability to communicate quickly and simpler than years past. Education and reeducation of digital responsibilities/rights is constantly needed.