Norms and Responsibilties

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Norms and Responsibilties

Joellyn Berg
I believe that we need to set a basis for digital rights and responsibilities at an early age.  We as teachers and parents should be teaching about privacy and accountability from the start.  Students are coming into school with a knowledge of how to use a digital tool, but for most, they are not being taught the foundation of the digital right and responsibility of these tools.  Many of the games that are downloaded on phones ask for a name and age of the player.  But where does this information go? Who is on the other end of this game?  Students need to know that when they access the internet, they need to be aware of their own privacy.  How much information should I be sharing?  We need to teach our young users how to be safe and keep others safe.  I have seen many students take pictures of others.  Luckily my young students have not had access yet to social media on their device at school, but I should be teaching them now so as they have the tools and knowledge to privacy because as they get older, they will have access to social media and they should know the proper way to use it.  Students need to know that they are accountable for what they post or search.  Students need to realize that what they say online or on social media is there for anyone and words can have an everlasting digital footprint in their life.  We need to start this all off from a young age and hope that we can give a good foundation for their learning digitally later in life.