Norms and responsibilities - Thad Sentman

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Norms and responsibilities - Thad Sentman

What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?  What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?

With regards to rights, there are several items that I think should be outright codified. First, that the individual is the owner of their data. As such, companies, entities, and persons need to take seriously how they handle and store the data that people input into their services. This is also a responsibility put back on the user to understand who they are engaged with and what information they are handing out. In this age of targeted advertising and AI training, we as end-users are very loose with what information we hand over and how we understand how that information is being used.

Additionally, as we move into an era where more and more services move from a physical medium to a digital medium, the consumer should have the right of ownership of what they purchase. By this I mean, if I purchase a book in digital format from one service, I should be able to transfer that media to a different service so as to not lose the book if the original service goes out of business (for example). This also requires end-users to be held accountable for not pirating media that they do not own.