Norms and responsibilities by: Jill Mielke

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Norms and responsibilities by: Jill Mielke

Jill Mielke
One of the biggest responsibilities I think students face in our digital world is overall knowledge about using the internet. Students don’t realize or think about the fact that whatever they put on the internet stays on it forever. Students think is funny to post pictures and sometimes inappropriate comments online (whether they are considered bullying or not).  They don’t realize the effect it could have on their future. Students, also, don’t think about the security issues when on the computer.  They might post pictures of themselves on the internet without thinking how others may view them inappropriately, or that the people they are communicating with may not be the person they think they are.  Students also need to be taught how to correctly search the internet, so they do not come up with in appropriate sites to view for information.