Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Jason Marshall
What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world? What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?

I think an important norm is the need to be truthful in what you are expressing.  While I think many people are not intentionally being untruthful in what they post online, they don't do a good job or understand the importance of checking out the content they share.  The internet has been a great tool in many ways yet the flipside of that is that it is easy to post many negative, untrue and hurtful things.   And it happens so quickly and even if your name is on it, doing it behind a screen provides a layer of anonymity.

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Re: Norms and responsibilities

Paula Vander Beek
I agree with the author of this post. Students cannot assume that information they find on the internet is always valid or reliable. Nor can students post negative, untrue or hurtful comments. A great issue in the digital highway is that students do not have face time with others. Thus, it is much easier to "spout off" with an online post or comment. Doing so in person, face-to-face, is much more difficult. For that reason, I think negative comments and bullying online should be a major part of teaching digital citizenship.