Norms in digital world & user responsibilities

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Norms in digital world & user responsibilities

Mildred Stewart
Part of the norms of the digital user's rights already include important aspects of access, communication and commerce. It's the finer points of etiquette (civility), literacy, safety, health & wellness  and law that are often tripping points of the 'living' internet. Interestingly enough the tools of our lives may change but human nature continues to show itself one way or another. Responsibility means being accountable for what is chosen (posted, texted, etc.). Hence the idea that freedom of speech means there are 'no consequences' to saying/ posting whatever feeling or opinion of the moment strikes doesn't add up to acceptable behavior if it endangers or hurts another. Part of the challenge of 'norms' is the huge variety of what is considered acceptable behavior or how the standard of proper/expected behavior maybe defined. Expectations of privacy on-line often don't match with the software uses and this is a challenge for all users and especially youth who may lack the sophistication to realize how their on-line use is being watched. Panopticon is good example used by Mr. Driver to teach students how easy it is for on-line use to be exploited against the user. Food for thought: that circular building design has been used in hospitals to help care for patients efficiently.

It is a common human desire to be freely connected to others that we might grow & learn and thus the allure of all things digital.