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PL Artifact - Abby Bock

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PL Artifact - Abby Bock

Abby Bock
This post was updated on Mar 10, 2017; 7:13pm.
My goal was to examine Map Data to determine areas of struggle for my advanced 8th grade math class. I have the Map Data all sorted and ready to present to my students next week (The start of 4th quarter). After receiving the data, students will begin creating a webmix of resources that they can use to improve the areas they are deficient in. Once students have their webmix created, I plan to designate bits of time each week for students to study the material they find.
Link to my Symbaloo - student example:
The link below shows the Map Data I reviewed for this particular student, the standards that the student needs to work on, and the sample Symbaloo she might create to help her with her learning.

Link to Map Data and standards: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X0vrszNeZdGwwAi6uDqrMcaSU51AStM5Qw86aNqeZqM/edit

I am excited to begin this process with my students. Honestly, Map Data isn't used to its fullest potential at our school. I am looking forward to having conferences with my class to show them their Map scores and to help them deepen their knowledge in their low areas. I think Symbaloo will be a nice resource for organizing student materials and one that will be quick and easy to use.