Pins for Mindfulness

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Pins for Mindfulness

Shane Casey
As I am not currently in the classroom, I decided to create a board on my Pinterest page titled, "Mindfulness". My objective for this board (in a personal/professional capacity), was to find content that was both uplifting and appropriate for those in pursuit of a passion ~ in this case Skydiving ~ (in either a tour or course/workshop capacity). I hope some of these quotes and infographics resonate with you.

The other Board that I created on my company's ( Pinterest page is entitled, "Skydiving Quotes," and although similar in some instances, applies to the act of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, and the path to technical proficiency. Perhaps the best example of this, both a great general quote about one of life's great truths AND keenly applicable to the art/sport of skydiving, is the meme featuring Denzel Washington with the sentiment, "Train your mind to be calm in every situation."  Enjoy.