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Pinterest - Lisa Vander Lugt

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Pinterest - Lisa Vander Lugt

Lisa Vander Lugt
I already had a personal Pinterest account that I have been using for 10+ years.  (That's a guess...it has been forever!)  Anyway, for this course, I started a second one and made it "Kid friendly.  I pinned pictures of puppies and kittens and prayer verses or bible quotes.  
Previously, I have only used it as a source for my ideas.  I have never added a pin that was something that I created.  I have created boards on both accounts to organize and group like materials/ideas.  I had followed co-workers and friends on my personal account.  For this class I began following "WeAreTeachers" and "Busy Kids Happy Mom" when they had pins for things 3rd grade teachers might use.
I have created a "secret" board on my personal account.  It is for our PBIS team, and is the place I pin ideas for our annual PBIS themes.
My personal account is @tch4ever, my school account is @AquinMrsVanderLugt.