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Pinterest - Marija Musselman

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Pinterest - Marija Musselman

Share those Pinterest groups or users you feel that others would benefit from the connection. Look through those shared by other class participants for ideas.
I started on Pinterest several years ago, but have been away from it for the last couple of years. So it was good to revisit and remember what a great resource Pinterest is for ideas and inspiration professionally and personally. I have several different boards that are based around education such as classroom decoration, procedures, organization, digital tools, and project ideas. I have also have personal boards on topics such as gardening, decorating, food, holidays, organization, quotes, and health. I also follow several people I know with similar interests. It was fun to revisit some of the boards. I forgot how much I enjoyed Pinterest.
Because I'm getting ready for the school year I focused on education resources for school. The boards I followed through Pinterest for this assignment were: @aealearningonline, @educatorstech, @commonsensepins, and @istepinterest. These are all great resources that will provide ideas and inspiration for the school year.