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Pinterest - Sharon Ball

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Pinterest - Sharon Ball

I had been on Pinterest for personal use following different hobbies and ideas for education. I haven't used it recently because I find that I get swept up in all the topics and want to learn and explore everything and I can spend hours on this. I updated my site to be for business of my home child care center. I added the following new pins for activities and lessons that looked new and interesting to do with my early childhood group.
Magnetic Tiles & Toys - STEM Challenge pin to @7daysofplay and  7daysofplay.com
Splat Painting - Large Motor Movement - @kbus  and Toddlerapproved.com

I was reading some of the links about possibilities to use with students and there were many concerns of copyright. I think if I used it with preschool children, we would use it in small groups based on interests for example Zoo Animal Group, Farm Animal Group etc and make a scrap book including photos and activities that each child liked and then have each small group share with the whole group what they learned.
This will definitely would be a time consuming project since it would be 1 on 1, so maybe parent volunteers to help would be a good option.