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Melodean Montaque
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I was interested in the board entitled Tips for Teacher. This board shares ideas about many things having to do with the teaching learning environment such as how to get students more attentive in class, how to set up a word wall and many other tips.

I have started following the boards below because I think it will provide ideas that I could use as a teacher to help students develop in the Stem courses such as mathematics and science:-

Scaffolded Maths and Science

The Board below provides ideas in developing reading literacy which is also important:-

Educating Readers Literacy

For my professional development I have started following the board below to know where and when online courses become available for me to improve my skills as a teacher:-

University Network
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Re: Pinterest

It's a place where people share images and discover visual contents. I like playing slope game and discover the players with the top score on that.
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Re: Pinterest

In reply to this post by Melodean Montaque
The most entertaining moments I had while playing thief puzzle were when I was blissfully unaware of my actions. Do you have any tips on how to embrace spontaneity and improvise in such situations?