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Melissa Harmeyer
I have long used Pinterest for inspiration in the classroom. I do find that most of the content seems more geared towards lower grades, but I love going through different ideas of what others have tried and then modifying it for myself.

Something I had not considered before was having other users contribute to a group board. This would be a great way to collaborate ideas with other teachers that I work with or even as a way to create an online community of teachers who teach similar content areas.

Some pinterest boards that I like include: 
This is a board about persuasive writing. There are ideas about how to help students craft a 5-paragraph persuasive essays, anchor charts with transition words, and utilizing evidence in essays.
This is a board with resources catered to new teachers. Although I am not a new teacher, I found some of these ideas awesome and enjoyed looking through them.
Edtopia is a well known resource for educators. They also have a pinterest account with many different boards and resources. Some of these are specific to grade level, others are about Problem Based Learning (something I am interested in right now), and additional resources and downloads for teachers.